Every loss by a World Champion must make headlines and we shall not go against this rule. White’s position did not look that promising at first sight, but as Harika Dronavalli explained in her post-game interview, she had small elements to play for. Having the better Bishop, she maneuvered skillfully in order to get rid of her doubled pawns on the kingside. Her technique worked wonders as she managed to create a passed pawn there, after which Ju Wenjun could only resign. With hindsight, it is hard to pinpoint any real mistake by the Chinese.

Results of round 3:
Alexandra Kosteniuk (RUS) – Alina Kashlinskaya (RUS) 0-1
Zhansaya Abdumalik (KAZ) – Aleksandra Goryachkina (RUS) ½-½
Antoaneta Stefanova (BLG) – Nana Dzagnidze (GEO) ½-½
Harika Dronavalli (IND) – Ju Wenjun (CHN) 1-0
Anna Muzychuk (UKR) – Marie Sebag (FRA) 1-0
Mariya Muzychuk (UKR) – Pia Cramling (SWE) ½-½

1-5. Dronavalli Harika (IND), Nana Dzagnidze (GEO), Anna Muzychuk (UKR), Aleksandra Goryachkina (RUS) and Alina Kashlinskaya (RUS) - 2 points
6.-8. Pia Cramling (SWE), Mariya Muzychuk (UKR) and Antoaneta Stefanova (BUL) - 1½ points.
9-11. Zhansaya Abdumalik (KAZ), Ju Wenjun (CHN) and Marie Sebag (FRA) 1
12. Alexandra Kosteniuk (RUS) - ½ points.

Alina Kashlinskaya (RUS) – Pia Cramling (SWE)
Marie Sebag (FRA) – Mariya Muzychuk (UKR)
Ju Wenjun (CHN) – Anna Muzychuk (UKR)
Nana Dzagnidze (GEO) – Harika Dronavalli (IND)
Aleksandra Goryachkina (RUS) – Antoaneta Stefanova(BLG)
Alexandra Kosteniuk (RUS) – Zhansaya Abdumalik (KAZ)
Follow all the action live with commentary by grandmasters Mikhail Gurevich and Keti Tsatsalashvili on the tournament website http://wgp2019.fide.com.
Pictures in high resolution are available for the press at our official Flickr account.
Text: Yannick Pelletier
Photos: David Llada
Contact: press@fide.com